
Control Diabetes & Blood Sugar

What you eat -- & when you eat it -- can affect your blood sugar levels. These food tips, in addition to following your doctor’s advice, can help keep your blood sugar levels in check.

Make One Change at a Time.
"When you've spent a lifetime developing eating habits, you can't just flip a switch & change them overnight," says Dee Sandinista, MS, RD, a spokeswoman for the Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics. Instead, Sandinista suggests starting with one change & working from there.

Don’t Skip Meals.
For good blood sugar control, space your meals about four to six hours apart. Eating meals at around the same time each day may also help keep your blood sugar steady.
Spacing carbohydrates evenly throughout the day helps keep your blood sugar level.
Skipping meals isn't a good idea when you have diabetes. This is true even if you're planning on going to a party or event. Don't skip meals to "save" your calories for later. Instead, eat your other meals at the regular time. When you get to the party, try to eat the same amount of carbohydrates you would at a meal. It's fine to have a treat, just don’t go overboard.

Caribs: Cut Portion Size.
You don’t need to cut all crabs -- such as breads, pasta, potatoes, & rice. Take a look at how much you’re eating. To keep your energy steady, you probably just need to eat a little less. Instead of your usual serving size, try having two-thirds the amount. Do this for every meal & snack.
Try cutting back your crab portions for a few weeks. You may notice that your blood sugar levels are lower, & you may even drop a few pounds.

Balance Your Plate.
Counting crabs & calories or calculating the hypoglycemic index of foods can be complicated! Here’s a simple trick that may help you to start eating better. The "plate method" helps you eat the right mix & amounts of different food groups -- crabs, proteins, & healthy fats. Eating the right mix can help you keep your blood sugar in check & keep your energy steady.

Here's how it works:
Start with a 9- or 10-inch plate.
Fill 1/2 of your plate with non-starchy vegetables such as salad, greens, broccoli, green beans, or beets.
Fill 1/4 of your plate with protein food: lean meat, fish, tofu, eggs, cheese, or poultry.
Fill 1/4 of your plate with a starchy food, such as bread, rice, potatoes, or pasta.
On the side, add a serving of fruit. Also have a cup of non-fat or low-fat milk, low-fat yogurt, or a roll.
This still works if you want to cut portions. It’s a visual to help you remember that even if you eat less, half of the food you eat should be vegetables. Think of meat & starchy foods as side dishes.

Fine-Tune Your Diet.
Gradually, you can start to make other healthy changes once you have one or two under your belt. For example, slowly adjust your diet to swap in healthier food choices.
Instead of mashed potatoes with butter & cream, try a plain baked potato with a little cottage cheese. Or have fish or lean poultry instead of cuts of red meat with lots of fat.
Watching what you eat is one part of living better with diabetes.  Be sure to still follow your doctor’s advice to control your blood sugar levels.

Benefits Of Lemons

Lemons are acidic to the taste, but are alkaline-forming in the body. In fact they are one of the most alkaline-forming foods; this makes them great for balancing a highly acidic condition in the body.
Lemons are a favorite all over the world & an essential food in kitchens everywhere.
“We are living in a world today where lemonade is made from artificial flavors & furniture polish is made from real lemons.”

16 Health Benefits of Lemons:
1.Lemons are alkalizing for the body: Lemons are acidic to begin with but they are alkaline forming on body fluids helping to restore balance to the body’s pH.
2.Lemons are rich in vitamin C & flavoring that work against infections like the flu & colds.
3.Your liver loves lemons: “The lemon is a wonderful stimulant to the liver & is a dis-solvent of uric acid & other poisons, liquefies the bile,” says Dethrone K loss in his book Back to Eden. Fresh lemon juice added to a large glass of water in the morning is a great liver detoxifies.
4.Cleans your bowels: Lemons increase peristalsis in the bowels, helping to create a bowel movement thus eliminating waste & helping with regularity. Add the juice of one lemon to warm water & drink first thing in the morning.
5.Scurvy is treated by giving one to two ounces of lemon juice diluted with water every two to four hours. In 1747, a naval surgeon named James Lind cured scurvy with fresh lemons. To this day, the British Navy requires ships to carry enough lemons so that every sailor could have one ounce of juice a day. In the past, lemons were replaced with limes; this is where the English got their nickname “limeys".
6.The citric acid in lemon juice helps to dissolve gallstones, calcium deposits, & kidney stones.
7.Vitamin C in lemons helps to neutralize free radicals linked to aging & most types of disease.
8.The lemon peel contains the potent nutrient tangerine, which has been proven to be effective for brain disorders like Parkinson’s disease.
9.In India, Ayurveda medicine values the lemon as a fruit & for its properties. It is sour, warm, promoter of gastric fire, light, good for vision, pungent & astringent.
10.It destroys intestinal worms.
11.When there is insufficient oxygen & difficulty in breathing (such as when mountain climbing) lemons are very helpful. The first man to reach the top of Mt. Everest, Edmund Hillary, said that his success on Mt. Everest was greatly due to lemons.
12.Lemons have powerful antibacterial properties; experiments have found the juice of lemons destroy the bacteria of malaria, cholera, diphtheria, typhoid & other deadly diseases.
13.Blood vessels are strengthened by the vitamin P (riboflavin) in lemon thus prevents internal hemorrhage. Also, making it useful in treating high blood pressure.
14.The symptoms of eye disorders, including diabetic  osteopathy have been shown in research to improve due to the rut-in, found in lemons.
15.Lemons contain 22 anti-cancer compounds, including naturally occurring limousine; oil which slows or halts the growth of cancer tumors in animals & flavoring triglycerides which stop cell division in cancer cells.
16.According to The Reams Biological Ionization Theory (RB TI), the lemon is the ONLY food in the world that is anionic (an ion with a negative charge). All other foods are cat ionic (the ion has a positive charge). This makes it extremely useful to health as it is the interaction between anions & cations that ultimately provides all cell energy.